Thank you for applying to be baptized. 謝謝您申請受浸.
At Katy Christian Community Church 凱地教會的參與
I admit that I am a sinner who is helpless to save myself, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I believe and accept Him as my personal Savior. I am willing to be baptized and join the Katy Christian Community Church to connect with all believers as a member of the body of Christ, serve together, and love and follow the one true God. 本人承認自己是無力自救的罪人, 並承認主耶穌基督是神的兒子, 決志相信接受祂做我個人的救主, 願意受浸加入凱地中國教會, 與眾信徒聯絡, 成為基督的身體, 彼此搭配事奉, 恆久敬愛真神.